About Administrator

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So far Administrator has created 4 blog entries.

Selling The Cruise Ship vs. The Cabin

By |2018-12-17T20:46:24+00:00December 12th, 2018|News|

SELLING THE CRUISE SHIP VS. THE CABIN Builder websites and new home sales presentations are giving more and more emphasis to floorplan designs and new home features. It makes sense; customers visit our websites or communities to find the perfect home, so why not give them what they want? As we find ever more

Hire Hard, Manage Easy

By |2018-07-12T21:51:51+00:00July 10th, 2018|News|

HIRE HARD, MANAGE EASY... Great sales teams are tough to come by. Ask most sales managers for one wish to make their life easier and chances are they will tell you, “Better quality sales professionals.” But follow-up the question with; “So what are you doing to improve the quality of your sales team?” and

Online New-Home Purchase?

By |2018-05-08T22:03:06+00:00May 8th, 2018|News|

ONLINE HOME PURCHASES ARE CLOSER THAN YOU THINK... Homebuilding is ripe for disruption. Some experts predict it will first occur in the supply chain. Others focus on new technologies to expand the desirability of factory-built homes. One area that is already overdue for a digital transformation is the process of purchasing a new home.

Technology & Consumer Research

By |2018-04-04T22:20:29+00:00March 15th, 2018|News|

TECHNOLOGY & CONSUMER RESEARCH Consumer research has undergone a metamorphosis. Research that used to employ long lead times, simplistic summaries and opaque demographics, is now characterized by quick outcomes, transparent customer profiles and highly targeted results. An example of technology in consumer research is our use of virtual private network (VPN) for focus groups.